Dissemination strategies and Statistics

Internal dissemination and communication channels

Formal in-line communication within the project occurs primarily via the Basecamp collaboration platform, and secondarily via email. The choice of a collaboration platform as the central means of communication is to foster awareness among members (even when they are nor conducting a secondment), reduce information overload, and to track activities and tasks. All team members involved in RUC-APS have access to corresponding collaboration spaces (organizations, work-packages, sub-projects)

For informal daily, dynamic communication and awareness a Whatsapp group has been setup. The WhatsApp group currently has 75 participants. News are published on a daily basis and are mainly generated by RUC-APS members conducting secondments. The most common post, is a picture of some activity the secondee has conducted with a short legend. The whatsapp group has been of paramount importance to consolited the RUC-APS community/team and generate synergy among groups and activities.

Web-site and Blog: http://ruc-aps.eu

The web site consists of an initial page in blog format (new posts first) and a series of section to offer more stable, long-lived information.

The blog section (titled “Knowledge exchange”) is the most active one in the site. It is updated to inform readers of events and activities organized by RUC-APS and partners organizations, to provide brief reports of secondments, to disseminate publications made by partners in Scientific and Technological venues, and to offer awareness regarding changes in other sections of the web site.

The “Project” and “Consortium” provide general information regarding the project, its objectives and members of the consortium.

The “Events” section publishes calls for events organized by the project and its consortium, and also reports after these events have taken place.

The “Research” section provides access to the various results of the projects such as public related projects, workshops, and scientific publications.

The “Dissemination” section provides access to the quarterly newsletter and to public deliverables.

Social Networks

The LinkedIn group, LinkedIn profile, and the twitter account are the two social networking strategies to disseminate attract attention to the project (and its web-site).

Both networks are used to disseminate all activities and changes in the web-site, which are published in parallel in both networks. Twitter, in addition, is also use to disseminate more informal content (more dynamic) such as pictures and short quotes from secondments and events. Twitter is also a mechanism to replicate content generated by its network, and to engage in conversation.

Statistics for the Web-site / Blog

The web-site contains 35+ blog post and 15 web pages, and 190+ media objects (images and downloadable documents). It receives 200+ views per month in average (of a about 100 unique visitors).

Summary of page views at the time of this writing (February 2019)




Overview of stats for 2018


Statistics for Linked In

LinkedIn has shown to be the most effective strategy to build community, possibly because the academic/industry focus of its users.

There are currently over 800 connections following the updates of the RUC-APS profile.

An average of 50 LinkedIn user per 90 days period, view the RUC-APS profile.

Twitter stats

Almost every day there is a RUC-APS activity taking place. Be it a secondment, an event, a meeting. This information initially flows via internal channels (Basecamp, WhatsApp group) and, when deemed relevant, is disseminated in the form of short twitter posts. RUC-APS published 30 tweets a month on average. Certain months (such as July 2017) where several secondments take place simultaneously, produce pikes in activity.